Nov 17, 2021

Top 5 stretches & exercises for digestion health


More people each day are waking up to the fact that our gut is our second brain.

It’s called the enteric nervous system. The enteric nervous system’s network of nerves, neurons and neurotransmitters extends along the entire digestive tract – from the esophagus, through the stomach and intestines, and down to the anus.

Because the enteric nervous system relies on the same type of neurons and neurotransmitters that are found in the central nervous system, some medical experts call it our “second brain.” The “second brain” in our gut, in communication with the brain in our head, plays a key role in certain diseases in our bodies and in our overall mental health.


We can all always use a little more positive stimulation to our belly and organs.

Today you're going to learn about 5 different Stretches and Exercises for digestion health.

We want you to remember as you are doing these movements and poses to always breathe deeply into the desired areas of the body that you are seeking to release tension from.


First  we have,

Bellows pose:

This pose is excellent for bringing blood flow to the digestive process while also giving the body space to relax as you lye on your back, lift each leg slowly as you breathe bringing one knee to the chest or both at once. Bellow pose can be done one leg at a time or both.

Holding here for a few moments and relaxing the body.

Repeat as many times as necessary.


Next we have,

Twist pose:

A seated spinal twist is a restorative yoga pose that promotes good digestion and encourages spinal mobility. Twisting postures help tone the belly, massage internal organs and can help relieve lower back pain. The twisting motion of this move is thought to promote bowel regularity by aiding the small and large intestine in peristalsis (the involuntary constriction and relaxation of the muscles of the intestine or another canal, creating wave-like movements that push the contents of the canal forward. This is the movement that propels food and waste through the GI tract. This position may also help alleviate bloating.



Now time for some gentle squats.

Squat pose:

Known as malasana in yoga.

It stretches the thighs, groin, hips, ankles, and torso.

It helps tones the abdominal muscles and improves the function of the colon to help with elimination. A deep squat increases the blood flow to your kidneys and intestines and creates space in the lower back area. It also stretches and relaxes the pelvic floor.

All this combined helps to stimulate our digestive flow.


Also increases circulation and blood flow in the pelvis, which can help regulate sexual energy.& Mentally squat pose helps improves balance, concentration, and focus.


Remember to breathe deeply and gently as you sit in your squat!

And keep your heels on the floor.



Tai chi is an ancient practice involving a series of slow-motion movements and focused deep breathing. A lot of unprocessed emotions can get stored in our gut and can later transform into gut issues. Tai chi helps reduce stress and anxiety while also bringing more blood flow and chi (energy) into the body. The more you practice tai chi the more relaxed you will feel and we know that stress and digestion do not go well together.

So incorporating the benefits of tai chi into your lifestyle will improve your digestion and so much more.


Lastly we have,



So simple. Yet so effective.

Going on a daily walk will improve so much of your life mentally, physically and emotionally.

Body movement like walking can aid your digestion by promoting stimulation of the stomach and intestines, causing food to move through more rapidly. Walking helps speed up the time it takes food to move from the stomach into the small intestines.

This could help improve satiety after eating.

Walking will help deflate bloating as well. Physical activity such as this will help expel gas that causes pain and help move digestion along.


There is another side to your digestive concerns and it all starts with incorporating healthy remedies such as these to your daily life.

As you incorporate these stretches, movements and exercises into your life you will begin to notice a positive change in your digestion and overall well being.


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